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Senior Developer

Hafiz Zaka Ullah , Erdington, United Kingdom


5 - 9 years

Other titles

GIS developer analyst and mapping expert GIS Analyst Jr. GIS Professional


ArcGIS Gis Decision support Database modeling Mapping + 13 more

I'm offering

I’m senior GIS Developer. I have been working in GIS field for more than 3 years. I know and use different software like QGIS, ArcGIS and MapInfo. also I have good skills on programming language(Python, JavaScript ), web development skills in React, Flask, and Nodejs

Services offered:

-Build, maintain and update GIS databases including PostgreSQL,MySQL.

-Creating complex queries and functions in PostGIS

-Extracting GIS data to any GIS environment format (shp,json,geojson,csv,kml and etc..)

from OSM (Open Street Maps).

-Creating and styling online interactive maps Using Mapbox API or Mapbox Studio (2D and 3D).

-Creating online interactive maps using the Leaflet library http://*****.***).

-Creating online interactive maps using Google API

-Developing superior geographical contents for printings..

-Creating vector maps and using it online .

-Digitizing maps and updating base maps using satellite images (ARCGIS , QGIS and

Google Earth).

-Image processing such as Re-projection, Geo-referencing of any map.

-analyze the spatial and non-spatial information.

-Dealing with CAD,XLS and CSV drawing and convert it into GIS environment and reverse.

-Geo-Coding addresses.


United Kingdom (Remote only)

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Ready for

  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time
  Full time contractor


Typically available right away

My experience

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