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1 jobs

Instagram influencer specialising in recipes and restaurant reviews

Shree Mitra , London, United Kingdom


5 - 9 years


Foodstyling Photography Photo editing Social Media Digital Marketing

I'm offering

My name is Shree and I am 20 something Londoner who loves to eat. I often get asked why my page is called “TruffleandToast”? Is it because I like to eat toast with truffle on top? Is it because my name is Truffle? Or do I sell exotic bread that is infused with truffle mushrooms? The answer is none of the above. I happened to pick this name because I felt that Truffle and Toast are at two ends of the dining spectrum. Truffle is gourmet, used sparingly but extremely indulgent while Toast is cheap and chirpy and found in every household. And that is a fair representation of my meals – I enjoy Michelin starred fine dining restaurants with their 7 course tasting menus as much as local street food vendors who are just starting out.



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  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time


Available from 24/08/2020

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