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Full stack developer

George Spencer ,


15 - 24 years

Other titles

scrum master


Java Angular Google Cloud Platform MongoDB Sql + 1 more

I'm offering

I am a software developer with 20 years of experience and with multiple capabilities. My main expertise is with backend systems (Java, Kotlin, Scala), API development (SpringBoot), cloud (GCP), performance optimisation and security.

I have a strong background in web development (JavaScript, TypeScript) along with modern web technologies (Angular, React).

I have also worked with mobile app, both iOS and Android and, even this is not my main area of expertise, I am able to build apps that aren't too complicated on my own or be part of a team working on more complex mobile apps.

I have been freelancing for about 10 years in total, during which time I've learnt how to be very productive when working on my own, but also how to successfully collaborate with a development team and with business stakeholders.

I have a degree with a second in business so I'm able to understand the business motivation when building a product (or project), think about the commercial success, feasibility and risks or what I'm building and offer suggestions or change my ways of working.

Also, I have been working within Agile teams for almost my entire career and I understand the concept very well and I am able to support teams to improve on their ways of working or to transition from a non-agile mindset to an agile one. At the same time, I understand that Agile is not right for everyone.


United Kingdom


Media Entertainment Retail IT Public sector + 1 more



Ready for

  Smaller project
  Ongoing relation / part-time
  Full time contractor


Typically available right away

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