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Chief Data Officer or Management consultant specialising in Data Strategy and Data Science

Mark King , Beckenham, United Kingdom


15 - 24 years

Other titles

Chief Data Officer Strategic Planning Director CRM Strategic Planner Senior Data Planner management consultant + 5 more


Data Science Digital transformation Integrated multi-channel campaigns Strategic Planning Business Optimization + 17 more

I'm offering

For 20+ years I've been providing forward thinking, and cutting-edge consultation expertise in data strategy and science and data planning and analytics. 12 years as data strategy management consultant
- I specialise in designing future-proofed, innovate and measurable roadmap solutions, with mappable segmentations at the core of the insight foundations, capabilities and adoption design.
- The attributable B2C and B2B KPI growth delivery, can look intuitive, but it comes from a broad and deep 360 view of the corporate layers and understanding of the levers to pull. All underpinned by and keeping up with the latest data, digital and tech innovations over the years (especially the last 10!)
- I have the skills to manage the data layer, get the value from the data, and then turn strategies and goals into actionable steps towards attributable KPI growth.
- I have designed many flexible tools and techniques, and many flexible story telling approaches
- I have iteratively learned on the adoption journey many hurdles to overcome or go around / under / over
- I introduce both joint up thinking and personalised modern education approaches

I am a focused, passionate, experienced and self-reliant lead consultant, who resourcefully and inquisitively can uncover new connections and insights based on my observations and curiosity
- I understand complex topics and learn about new industries quickly
- I have the curious nature and connection skills to develop fact-based perspectives
- I advocate using numbers to develop educated conclusions and insights
- I champion data champions and strive to make an impact.
- I am confident, passionate about extremely focused on the quality of output

I am driven by impacting deliverables and working with teams, clients, partners, subject matter experts and all types of collaborators to provide
- The solutions on how to use data and tech innovations across planning, sales and marketing functions, bring a multifaceted project to completion
- The self-serve options and education to the small number early adopters, like any tech innovation adoption curve (calling it teach the teachers). So that the early adopters of the data strategy and science vision can pioneer it and establish in their business for macro and micro planning, targeting, testing and tracking activities


United Kingdom

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Automotive Retail



Ready for

  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time
  Full time contractor


Typically available three months ahead

My experience

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