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Business assistant

Kelly Revell , Liphook, United Kingdom


1 - 4 years

Other titles

personal assistant business assistant data inputting office 365 management and follow-up of complex business diary of the ceo


Personal assistant Administrative Assistant Customer service

I'm offering

I have been working as a business assistant and a personal assistant to the director of a successful accountancy firm for the last eighteen months. Sadly, due to the current pandemic there is limited work we can all do from home. During this time I am looking to help other people and companies from home. My skills are that of an assistant: good understanding of office 365, diary management, good customer service skills and communication, data input, online filing and polite email manner. I also enjoy creating online marketing content for social media and webpages.





Ready for

  Smaller project
  Ongoing relation / part-time


Typically available right away

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