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Experienced web applications developer, specialising in Azure, .Net and Agile Coaching

Christopher Roberts , Salisbury, United Kingdom


10 - 14 years

Other titles

Lead Developer Applications Developer Developer .net developer c# developer + 4 more


C# Web development Agile DevOps Git + 18 more

I'm offering

As an experienced senior full-stack developer specialising in Azure based .Net web applications and services, I utilise best practices to deliver maintainable solutions that are closely aligned to stakeholder needs.

I adapt and become productive quickly, having delivered projects in sectors as diverse as shipbroking, defence, e-commerce consumer finance and fitness. With significant experience of agile and devops cultures, and remote working, I can assist the development of new and inexperienced teams.

Having finished a degree focusing on Usability and e-Business, I continue to develop my professional skills to keep me abreast of new technologies such as Angular and .Net Core, and best practices that can be applied to solve problems and improve processes. Successes include introducing unit-testing at M and M Direct to improve code quality and reduce defects, setting up a Continuous Integration server at Landmarc to combat build and deployment issues, and delivering a data service for Clarksons Platou using Azure Functions and CosmosDb.

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Insurance Apparel & Fashion Sports & Activities Shipping Military & Defense



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  Ongoing relation / part-time
  Full time contractor


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