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Enthusiastic HR professional

Hsiang-Chin(Michael) Chang ,


5 - 9 years

Other titles

Voluntary HR Officer Link Project Researcher HR Specialist - Computer & Consumer Products Business Group


Human Resources Spss Statistical analysis Human resource management Executive Search + 6 more

I'm offering

* 3-years' work experience in HR, intern experience in marketing and current voluntary charity work. * MSc in Human Resources & Organisations Management (HRM/CIPD) at the LSE. Merit * BAs in Foreign Language & Literature and Management Science from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. 2:1 * Bilingual in Mandarin (Native) and English. * Research and analytical experience with SPSS and Excel; active in voluntary work and sports.


United Kingdom


Chinese (Mandarin)

Ready for

  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time


Typically available within 14 days

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