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34 jobs

Executive Producer

Rosa W. , Surrey, United Kingdom


15 - 24 years

Other titles

Event/Production Manager Account Manager Admin - Co-ordinators Producer event manager + 1 more


Logistics Production Management Business development Sales incentive Account Manager + 11 more

I'm offering

I am an Event Producer who has been working within the Event, Production, Marketing and Communication industry for over 20 years.

The production of live events onsite and the ongoing challenge of effective project management are areas that I thrive in, in addition to having a keen interest for creative development – from initial conception through to successful fulfilment.

I am very calm, efficient and capable of dealing with demanding projects. Being friendly and having a good sense of humour is key in order to maintain morale and motivation in often stressful situations.

My motto – “It would be boring if it were straight forward…”

I plan ahead and am naturally very organised, which is why my career has followed the Project and Production Management route. I enjoying taking responsibility, using my initiative and always striving to create the best that I can - I question everything!

I am ambitious and aim to be successful in all that I do.


United Kingdom

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