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Experienced Full Stack Developer specialising in React, Java, Node, GCP, AWS

Graham King , Tunbridge Wells, United Kingdom


15 - 24 years

Other titles

Senior Developer Lead Java Developer full-stack developer react developer principal engineer + 1 more


Java Client/server Docker Front-end Gradle + 14 more

I'm offering

I have 20 years' experience working as a developer, scrum master and development manager for several large organisations the financial sector. My primary technology stack for several years was server-side Java (J2EE and then Spring). I also have a lot of experience using JavaScript, including most recently a lot of projects using Node/React. I am a great advocate of using public cloud infrastructure and automated, scripted deployment and have used various providers (AWS, Azure, OpenShift etc.) in my professional work and in hobby projects. I have a great deal of experience working in and leading agile teams. I believe in focussing on the principles of agile development (collaboration over specification; transparency; incremental delivery and improvement; empowered teams etc.) rather than any specific process or tool. Over my career, I have held a number of different positions, from Developer, Tech Lead, Scrum Master, Delivery Manager, and Programme Technology Lead. I have found that am happiest and most passionate about my work when I am involved in hands-on development across both front- and back-end. PROFILE LinkedIn: http://**********.*** GitHub Repositories: http://**********.***, http://**********.*** CORE TECHNOLOGIES Front-end: JavaScript (ES5, ES6), Typescript, CSS/SASS/PostCSS, React, Redux, Redux-Saga Server-Side: NodeJS, Java, Spring, SpringBoot, Express Tools: Webpack, Babel, Chai, Mocha, Enzyme, Jest, Bash Scripting Database and Cloud: Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, AWS, OpenShift, Azure, Kubernetes


United Kingdom

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