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Leader in business development, content sourcing and market research

Karen Maloney , London, United Kingdom


10 - 14 years

Other titles

sales manager marketing and sales executive partnership manager business development manager content manager + 4 more


Business development Content Development Market research Content marketing Copywriting + 1 more

I'm offering

As someone who always enjoyed multi tasking and performing under pressure, I've always taken on many hats. I'm pleased to say that there isn't a role I haven't been capable of, and I've really enjoyed helping companies reach new levels of success or be the first to obtain new sales goals or records. Most of the opportunities I have had are a result of networking and referrals which have given me strong credibility and the ability to explore many outlets and unique endeavors.

I've proven the ability to adapt to all sorts of industries and environments (and ultimately, thrive on my own remotely). I've excelled with fashion and lifestyle brands, real estate and luxury travel and the health and wellness space. I've recently had the pleasure of helping to develop an app in the chronic illness world; where I curated a list of hundreds of diagnoses, treatments and diets by pulling the top video, podcast and book content on the market. I was also responsible for managing the community and analyzing product trends. Prior to this, I transitioned into the real estate industry where I was helping to manage Global Partnerships for a small but quickly growing luxury rental business. During this time, I was also presented with the opportunity to create and establish a property portfolio for a private jet chartering company based in The Netherlands. Furthermore, I assisted them with marketing and copywriting projects.

I have always excelled in many different avenues which is why I enjoy freelancing and working remotely now. This really gives me the opportunity to partake in projects that are enjoyable to me while not having to give up others for the long term as well.


United Kingdom

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Ready for

  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time
  Full time contractor


Typically available within 14 days

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