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Freelance Social Media & Digital Content Strategist - Specialising In Growing Brands Organically On Social Media Platforms

Liam Jennings , Dagenham, United Kingdom


5 - 9 years

Other titles

seo consultant social media freelancer social media manager social media content content strategist + 1 more


Social media strategies Social Media Marketing Social media management Social media copywriting Advertising on social media + 14 more

I'm offering

Hi! I'm Liam, a freelance social media strategist, consultant and business owner from London.

I love helping brands to grow organically, and build engaged audiences that lead to customers using social media platforms.

As a small business owner myself I know the power of getting the most from your budget. I founded Regal Gentleman, a premium men's grooming brand, and as CMO have built a combined social audience of over 100,000 with £0 marketing spend. I am now helping brands to do the same.

If you have a project that you'd like to work together on, please get in touch.


United Kingdom



Ready for

  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time


Typically available within 14 days

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