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Client relations & engagement specialist

Kyle Parrotta , Glasgow, United Kingdom


10 - 14 years

Other titles

Donor Engagement Manager Producer and Editor Stakeholder Engagement Analyst Business Analyst


Change management Risk analysis Visio MS office Digital Marketing + 15 more

I'm offering

I am a team oriented person who is driven by novelty and specialization. I've had success leading cross-functional teams and enjoy getting my hands dirty, creating clarity with ambiguous or complex problems / projects.

Leveraging strong engagement and communication skills, I have great comfort in managing a wide range of clients, customers, and stakeholders so you can focus on the important part - running your business!

My creativity allows me to connect with people in several ways and is an asset I rely on while working with developers to design, build, and manage products or create marketing content for consumers.

As seen with my move into design and production of podcasting, I enjoy and actively seek new opportunities that push me out of my comfort zone and force me to grow, adapt, and gain new perspectives. I have a demonstrated track record of seeking diverse opportunities, my skills lean on my ability to navigate new environments, pick up things quickly, and build rapport with people fast.

Outside of work, I love the outdoors and playing sports like golf and football. Always up for an adventure and am willing to move fast on the right opportunity.


United Kingdom



Ready for

  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time


Typically available right away

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