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Web application developer

Zoltan Nagy , London, United Kingdom


15 - 24 years

Other titles

Team lead Lead developer T eam lead Technical lead


Php Mysql Web development Jquery

I'm offering

- managing existing applications and integrations API services
- fix existing issues, bugs and develop new features
- develop new integrations
What I did:
- collect all integrations and on-site applications
- move to new server cluster (OVH)
- manage servers
- introduce Docker containers
- move all possible integrations to containers (docker-compose)
- introduce logging and monitoring
- introduce and develop UI for integrations
- rewrite small integrations from the bigger Symphony framework to API designed Laravel framework or Python 2.7 than Python 3+ (Gunicorn and Flask)
When the company decided to build a new platform for customers, my role was to:
- plan and orchestrate the technical side
- infrastructure, and technologies to be used
- create technical documentation
- decided on (micro)service architecture for scalability and management, planned to be deployed to Kubernetes
- lead the development team
- create development roadmap
- provide detailed technical documentation (workflows, libraries, etc.)
- introduced service discovery and config distribution with Consul
- messaging and logging with RabbitMQ to Elasticsearch


United Kingdom



Ready for

  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time
  Full time contractor


Typically available right away

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