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0 jobs

Graphic Designer

Tra Nguyen , London, United Kingdom


1 - 4 years

Other titles

ART DIRECTOR INTERPRETER Designer Designer web Grafisk designer + 1 more


Graphic design Graphic identity Editorial layout Branding Digital design + 8 more

I'm offering

Tra is an enthusiastic graphic designer based in London, UK. She is naturally quite a shy person but once you get to know her, you'll be amazed by her energy, passion, hard working and determination in better herself everyday.

Living internationally has been keeping her to constantly adapting, learning, absorbing new ideas from the daily life; from both East and West culture' aspects. Hence, she possesses unexpected imaginations, creative and versatile ideas which you can count on when it comes to distinctive design solution for your business.

She loves working on diversities, from logo design to branding, web design or visual communication asset (such as brochure, poster, social promotion etc). Her approaches are driven by exploring and extracting any possible ideas or aspects; in order to optimise the desired outcome.

However, design isn't just about producing great visual, she has a strong belief that design should be meaningful, functional, communicate effectively and convey message beautifully. In another word, a bespoke design solves the problem, acts as a bridge connecting business or brand story with its audience. And she would love to be involved, to help building, creating and delivering ideas to real life.


United Kingdom

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Ready for

  Smaller project
  Ongoing relation / part-time
  Full time contractor


Typically available right away

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