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Creative Technologist

Tonderai Ratisai , London, United Kingdom


5 - 9 years

Other titles

lead augmented reality developer in the development of an augmented application Unity3d Developer PineViewVR Unity3d Developer VRCAFE in Greece Unity3d Developer


Android IOS Ipad Autodesk Maya .Net + 11 more

I'm offering

I have a BA (Hons) degree in Film, video and interactive arts from Middlesex University. Whilst doing my degree I also enrolled on external courses in computer programming and web development. Through my external courses I learnt object oriented programming in java, C++, python, C# Sharp, PHP and MySQL. This enabled me to start working in web development and video game programming. After completing my degree I got a job from Alive Labs, an augmented reality games developer developing sticker-based augmented reality applications for children. I used my programming skills and experience to assist in the development of augmented reality sticker applications using the Unity3D game engine. The role enabled me to increase my programming and unity 3D game development skills. After completing my contract at alive labs I worked at http://*********.** a 3D Design, virtual reality, augmented reality and hardware prototyping agency. My responsibilities included 3D modelling game assets in Maya 3D, game development using Unity 3D and C# sharp. After completing my contract at beta works I worked for http://*********.** building mixed reality applications with the Microsoft Hololens headsets. My responsibilities included programming the Microsoft Hololens applications using unity3d. After completing my contract I worked for http://*********.** a global event marketing agency in Kingston London as a multiple platform developer developing applications on the HTC Vive virtual reality headset, android and I.O.S platforms. I have also worked for other companies which include Glaxson Smith Kline, Polar Media, Inition, Atticus, National Space Center, Vision3 and ProjectionArtWorks to name a few.


United Kingdom



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  Ongoing relation / part-time
  Full time contractor


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