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Senior Full Stack Developer

Ergun Batuhan Öktem , London, United Kingdom


15 - 24 years

Other titles

Lead Developer Senior Full Stack Developer unity developer senior software developer senior backend developer + 1 more


Database modeling MS SQL Server Mysql Oracle PostgreSQL + 46 more

I'm offering

I started computer programming when i was 6 years old with Commodore 64 in Commodore Basic. I have been following computer journals monthly since my childhood. I have been developing mobile applications in iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Symbian by using C#, Swift, Objective C, Java and Qt. I have been using .NET Framework in most of my projects. I have been developing Windows applications by using Windows Forms and WPF. I have been developing web applications by using ASP.NET Web Forms and MVC. I have been developing games by using Unity, Cocos2d-x. I have been developing cross platform mobile applications by using Xamarin. I have been developing REST API by using ASP.NET Core. I have been using React, JQuery, AngularJS, http://******.*** for frontend development. I have been using http://******.*** in some of my projects. I have used Tesseract for captcha recognition from images. I have been developing AR, VR, MR applications by using ARKit, ARCore, Vuforia. I have experience in SQL, NoSQL databases such as MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis. I have been using Linux VPS and dedicated servers from AWS, DigitalOcean and KimSufi (Generally CentOS and Ubuntu based systems). I have been using Docker for containerization. As a result, I am improving myself in technology areas especially in computer technology. I can learn new technologies easily.


United States
United Kingdom
France (Remote only)
Germany (Remote only)
Lithuania (Remote only)
Denmark (Remote only)
Norway (Remote only)
Sweden (Remote only)
Finland (Remote only)

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