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Cloud Automation Specialist

Gareth Coffey , tonbridge, United Kingdom


15 - 24 years

Other titles

security engineer technical architect senior technical consultant


Automation AWS Linux Azure Jenkins + 1 more

I'm offering

I create fully automated solutions for Infrastructure creation & management in AWS & Azure, using Ansible & Terraform.

When I'm involved in a project I have an ability to understand all of the intricacies and relationships between application components. I provide my clients with recommendations on how to secure and improve on any issues that I identify. Clients often remark that they wish I would work for them permanently, as they see the quality & value in the services that I provide.

My most recent project - building a Bank from the ground-up.

Using my knowledge and experience in Financial Services, I provided the Bank with critical details they needed to ensure their Infrastructure & Application services are secured to a high standard. My schedule of work encompassed setting up a DevOps function...

- Automating the creation of Terraform resources and methods for deployment

- Deployment of CICD tooling

- Security hardening Windows & Linux images

- Documenting all CICD processes

- Training and guiding Developments & other IT staff

- Defining the network topology in Azure

- Automating the deployment of applications & services

- Deployment & configuration of Identity & Access Management (PingIdentity)

- Providing guidance to Developers, Architects & Senior Management on how to implement OAuth & OpenId Connect for customer Registration, Authentication & Authorization

This list is by no means exhaustive - through my past experiences I have picked up a number of skills across various job functions, and so I provide my clients with a well-rounded knowledge of multiple disciplines.


United Kingdom

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Ready for

  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time


Typically available one month ahead

My experience

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