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Software Engineeer

Emrah Saglik , London, United Kingdom


10 - 14 years

Other titles

Software Developer Elasticsearch Developer PHP Developer


.Net API C# Docker Html + 16 more

I'm offering

Diverse technical background in different stacks; however, I have been focused on more data and search area in the last five years. I have deployed so many Elasticsearch based projects, mainly focused on the retail/e-commerce sector.

A couple of references for my works; All these developments include cluster, query and mapping designs.

- Created an internal search tool for product matching for RS Components http://******.***)
- Created POC works for internal search mechanisms for Premier Inn Hotels ( http://******.*** )
- Replaced the legacy search engine with Elasticsearch in Charles Stanley Direct ( https://www.charles-stanley-http://******.*** )
- I have designed and implemented the primary search and filter menu functionality in Hobium. http://******.***)


United Kingdom




Typically available right away

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