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Devman digital

Hafiz Muhammad Sharif , Lomdom, United Kingdom


10 - 14 years

Other titles

woocommerce developer e-commerce web developer application developer php developer + 4 more


Web development Php Mysql Html5 Javascript + 17 more

I'm offering

I'm an experienced Web Developer with an extensive background in creating full stack applications and websites. I like to have good communication with my clients so that I can deliver above and beyond their vision to make their dream a reality. My experiences range from building: - Mobile responsive WordPress Websites - Paid subscription services (Stripe, Paypal, Braintree, Square) - Customized code that will perform tasks such as integrating different applications - Membership websites - Ecommerce Stores (WooCommerce, Shopify) - PageSpeed Optimisation (for a faster and better performing website) It's important to me to build long term relationships with clients, so I'm primarily looking for long term projects, but also don't mind the occasional smaller task. Have a question? Feel free to ask. I offer advice and guidance at no cost, I only charge for time spent performing the task at hand. I look forward to hearing from you!


United Kingdom



Ready for

  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time
  Full time contractor


Typically available right away

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