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9 jobs

Senior Designer: Digital - UI - Web - Concepts - Corporate - SoMe - Presentations - Packaging

Bo Winther , Espergærde, Denmark


25 - 40 years

Other titles

Grafisk designer digital design visuel identitet Grafiker Layouter + 11 more


Layout Digital design Idea generation Concept Development Visual identity + 32 more

I'm offering

Experienced Danish / Visual / Digital / Graphic / UI / Designer from Global Corporate Companies:

As a visual designer and art director, I have worked for several Danish / international corporate companies in many industries. Such as biotech, analytical/medical equipment, food production equipment, food retail, clothing in leisure & sports, oil/gas energy, building materials, and fintech.

In close collaboration with cross-functional teams, my experiences hold a wide range of online and offline disciplines such as campaigns and events, social media, design & web development, and offline publications.

My main focus involves the detailed design process itself to leading the visual direction of the brand design, while also managing projects and guiding colleagues and stakeholders in the development of marketing materials.

Feel free to request my most recent updated PDF portfolio/CV to learn more.

- Social Media Campaigns.
- UI at websites and web apps
- Adobe XD - visual mock-ups + prototypes
- PowerPoint templates and presentations
- Digital solutions/applications using various CM Systems
(WordPress, VIX, Squarespace, Webflow, MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, etc.)
- Interactive PDF documents and PDF forms

CREATIVE SERVICES (all platforms)
- Logo design development
- Corporate Visual identities
- Campaign development & guidelines
- Infographics, iconography, and illustrations
- Development of photo series for campaign materials
- Art Direction at photoshoots for any given brand campaign
- Photo retouching and image processing

- Spatial design
- Exhibition materials
- Sustainability Report
- Corporate Annual Reports
- In-store promotional materials
- Packaging/brand identity design
- Corporate Social Responsibility reports
- Company profile brochures and leaflets
- Posters and banners for conferences and exhibitions
- Ads for newspapers, and magazines (B2C + B2B)


United States
United Kingdom
Rest of Euro area

Links for more

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Biotechnology Consumer goods Electrical energy Telecommunication Building Materials + 14 more



Ready for

  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time
  Full time contractor


Typically available right away

My experience

My education

Bo's reviews

Logodesign og visuel identitet, snarest muligt
6 years ago

Bo Winther har løst opgaven til fuld tilfredshed. Bo er særdeles behagelig at arbejde sammen med. Han er grundig, dygtig og præcis og sørger hele tiden for, at man som kunde kan følge med i processen - både i det kreative arbejde og med hensyn til tidsforbruget. På den måde får man præcis det arbejde, man ønsker, med sikker kreativ hjælp fra Bo Winther.

Layout af spændende e-bog
6 years ago

Bo arbejder stabilt, kreativt og målrettet, og evt. uenigheder klares altid med en positiv og frugtbar dialog. Bo er dygtig og professionel.

Private job post
6 years ago

Bo har leveret et rigtig flot stykke arbejde som overstiger vores forventninger. Bo var rigtig god til at forstå vores behov, samt at beskrive leveranceprocessen så vi præcist forstod hvad vi kunne forvente. Projektet blev leveret præcist som beskrevet.
Bo får vores varmeste anbefaling.

Private job post
3 years ago

Bo was good at implementing the what the client wanted as well as communicating with the PM and was good at receiving feedback as well as giving advice while getting the feedback, he is also a very down to earth guy that was easy to work with

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