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Microsoft Dynamics NAV Consultant/Developer

Radositna , Watford, United Kingdom


5 - 9 years

Other titles

Junior Software Developer Office Manager and Project Management Manager microsoft sql server it consultant project manager


Microsoft dynamics Data Migration Database Administrator Database modeling MS SQL Server + 27 more

I'm offering

I have more than 8 year professional experience in a various positions. The years and the variety of the jobs I've taken have given me a good perspective on different types of businesses and numerous cases to solve. During all that time I've become highly diligent and organized. I am a hard working person always doing my best for completing my tasks. I am a team player who supports the colleagues at maximal possible extent. I am a self-development and improvement oriented person trying to resolve the waste and improve the existing processes.
I have studied C#, Java, JavaScript, HTML & CSS, PHP, Object-oriented programming, AngularJS, Databases etc. We made a couple of Applications, a personal blog and a couple of small projects using ASP.NET MVC and EF. For every course I've had the opportunity to work in a team with my fellow students. Teamwork projects are great for meeting new friends.


United Kingdom



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  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time


Typically available right away

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