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Python Mentor

Michael Sebbah , London, United Kingdom


15 - 24 years

Other titles

lead developer data engineer


Python Fintech Cloud Mentoring Lead developer + 1 more

I'm offering

You want to take your python code to the next level, and not be bothered by poor services running in production. You are happy to offer mentoring to your dev people which is a also a good argument to hire the right profiles.

As a freelance with 20 years experience, I help companies in data science, cloud engineering, finance... to get reliable and high-performance applications developed in Python.

Mentoring consists in suggesting developers tips and tricks to improve the code quality, testing, picking appropriate libraries, thinking devops...

Based on a hands-on approach, I can act as a temporary dev lead or senior dev, as a code reviewer, as a pair programming partner...


United Kingdom

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Ready for

  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time


Typically available within 14 days

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