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Technical Lead at Explori Media Ltd

Tom Bishop , Headcorn Ashford, United Kingdom


10 - 14 years

Other titles

marketing manager software developer lead developer web developer


Scala Lagom Akka Kafka Software development + 8 more

I'm offering

I am an ambitious software engineer with hands-on experience developing large-scale, distributed web applications. I am a good communicator and possess strong technical and analytical skills.

I possess expertise in the following technologies:

- Scala (Akka, Lagom framework)
- Kafka
- Cassandra database
- Javascript (ES6 =>), JSX, http://******.***
- Kubernetes
- AWS cloud hosting
- Java, Groovy, CFML
- React, jQuery, Prototype and Kendo javascript frameworks
- Advanced database and query optimisation
- NoSQL databases including Cassandra, MongoDB and Couchbase Server
- Test-driven development (TDD), functional and integration testing using ScalaTest, Selenium, JUnit, MXUnit
- Load testing with JMeter
- Continuous integration using Jenkins
- Axure rapid prototyping


United Kingdom

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Ready for

  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time


Typically available three months ahead

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