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Host Entrepreneur for the Erasmus scheme

Adrian Smith , Stourbridge, United Kingdom


15 - 24 years

Other titles

Business Advisor Startup Advisor Consultant Marketing Consultant


Management Corporate finance Business strategy Business development Startups + 7 more

I'm offering

I provide business advisory services on a remote basis for businesses where I believe I have something to add to the project and have done so since 2005

I also provide services as a cofounder, that is helping to implement the advice given - for example in a recent project I have worked with the founder to recruit, and manage agents in the UK, Trinidad and the Netherlands (with more agents in the pipeline) skills are based on my experience of market research, list building, corporate finance, strategic partner/JV/M&A and businesses sales (at Regent we closed about 35 companies a year, most of these were cross-border transactions). I have worked on projects in France, Portugal, Dubai/Saudi Arabia, US, China and Finland .

2.My skills are backed by my network which I can bring to projects on a
a)Over 2,700 linkedin contacts
b)Sales agent network of over 7000 individuals/companies
c) a network of over 1000 Venture capital groups investing in the UK -and their preference
(sector/sweet spot/investment stage
d) a network of c2900 angel investors who invest in the UK - with similar profile information
e) a network of c75,000 cofounders looking to (i) join a startup or (ii) have someone join their startup
f)A pan EU network of over 1,200 young entrepreneurs across Europe interested in working on entrepreneurial projects (if Brexit doesn't ruin it for us!)
g)An ability to build a network per project - for example I have developed a database of over 30,000 business leads for another project - each 1% is worth c£90,000 per year in
revenue with a product with high recurring revenues


United Kingdom

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