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Expert data protection, information governance and general IT consultancy.

Jamie Munro , London, United Kingdom


15 - 24 years

Other titles

IT Consult Head of IT Data Protection Consultant Business Analyst


System Design Data protection advice It project management IT Project Manager Business IT management + 9 more

I'm offering

I am an experienced, and highly qualified business analyst and data protection officer with a strong background in project management and business continuity.

I can help with data protection and GDPR documentation challenges and can provide comprehensive assessments helping you to identify high risk processes. I can help you with data protection impact assessments and process improvements as well as compiling detailed information asset registers.

I can act as your data protection officer if you do not have the resources to dedicate to the role giving you assurance that data protection is not being neglected or overlooked.

I can also help with change management programs covering business process changes, major system changes from specification to implementation and all the steps in between.


United Kingdom

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Ready for

  Smaller project
  Ongoing relation / part-time


Typically available right away

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