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Leading full stack web developer

Ben Bowler , Norwich, United Kingdom


10 - 14 years

Other titles

consultant senior software developer web design web developer backend developer + 3 more


Php Laravel Symfony Vue.js VueJS + 16 more

I'm offering

A contemporary developer with 10 years experience in both front and backend development. Able to see the bigger picture, communicate clearly and to work through tough technical challenges to deliver effective and timely projects to clients.

[Stack Overflow]http://********.***) | [GitHub]http://********.***)

## Experience

* Front end development with HTML, CSS and Javascript.
* Backend development with Object-Oriented PHP and http://********.***
* Database setup and management with MySQL, Postgres and NoSQL.
* Infrastructure planning, maintenance and setup with Amazon Web Services, Heroku and custom server solutions.

* Experience using Laravel and Symphony frameworks.
* Experience with Vue and React front end frameworks.
* Can work with and lead agile/scrum teams.
* Experience managing complex git merges, code reviews and deployment pipelines.

## Project History

### Push Entertainment
#### WordPress Developer - 2018

An ongoing part time contract building websites for major record labels. Both backend development on website builder plugin for Wordpress and front end development transferring designs to Wordpress themes.

### Rehab (Agency)
#### WordPress Developer - 2018

Contracted to work for a large social network. Built a plugin and theme to be rolled out to multiple WPMU sites hosted on Wordpress VIP - Automattic’s own hosting platform - requiring strict coding standards. Despite this I managed to complete the project ahead of schedule.

### Universal Music Group
#### Consultant - 2017-2018

Managed an outsourced development team to build a website builder platform for Universal artists from Taylor Swift to Sam Smith, a media management system, a user generated content platform and Facebook Messenger integration. As the key technical contact in the eCRM team, my role combined project and scrum manager, developer and consultant.


United Kingdom

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Ready for

  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time
  Full time contractor


Typically available right away

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