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1 jobs

React Developer

Martin B. , Orpington, United Kingdom


25 - 40 years


Html Css React Redux Typescript + 1 more

I'm offering

I started coding professionally in 1999, and have a deep passion for beautifully crafted web interfaces. My approach to work is always the same. I am driven by working with nice, smart people. I’m incredibly passionate about how the mechanics and visuals of a website work together in harmony, resulting in a stunning user experience. Yes, I code React, HTML, JavaScript, ES6, Node, SASS etc in every contract, but my true passion is in building the very best UI a website can have, with whatever technologies are required to do the job. Couple this with an obsessive side to my personality where I continually strive for the cleanest, most extendable and robust code possible. I work incredibly hard to ensure I only ever leave companies with code that I myself would be happy to inherit.


United Kingdom



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  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time
  Full time contractor


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