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Aazim Khaki - Web Designer/Developer

Aazim Khaki , Srinagar, India


1 - 4 years

Other titles

cloud engineer cloud architect


Php Html5 Css3 Javascript Mysql + 2 more

I'm offering

Throughout my career, I have contributed to impacting business outcomes through effective organization, prioritization, and execution of key projects. My skills and qualifications are an ideal match to the Web Designer requirements and will bring immediate value to Clients goals.

In my Web Designer role, I exercised a calculated and methodical approach to problem solving. I am independently motivated, yet I appreciate team efforts and collaborate productively within groups. Additionally, I am knowledgeable in web development and web analytics with proficiency in project management.

Because my professional goals align with client's mission and values, this opportunity is especially exciting. I believe my critical thinking, communication and time-management abilities will support and drive your continued organizational success.


United Kingdom



Ready for

  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time


Typically available right away

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