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Terraform development with Azure

Rakesh Suryawanshi ☁️☁️☁️ , Manchester, United Kingdom


10 - 14 years

Other titles

chef & terraform microsoft azure azure devops senior devops devops engineer + 2 more


Microsoft azure Azure DevOps Kubernetes

I'm offering

A full-stack engineer with a background that lends itself to helping companies stay lean and connected whilst scaling up customers and services.

With 7 year's experience in hands-on DevOps roles, in total 14 years of experience in IT.

I have been heavily involved in building scalable microservices on Kubernetes, migrating infrastructure and services to the cloud, and creating build environments for growing teams of developers.

Cloud: Azure, Azure DevOps, PaaS, IaaS
Container: Kubernetes, Docker, Service fabric.
DevOps Tools: Terraform, Azure ARM, Azure CLI, Git, GitHub, Powershell
Continous Integration: Azure DevOps CICD.

Services : Azure PaaS, Azure IaaS, Terraform, ARM, Azure biceps etc.

Qualifications and education:
2020 - MS Certified Technical Architect.
2020: Certified Azure fundamental.
2007 - Masters in Computer Science 1st class degree

Please get in touch to if you think my background can be helpful to you.


United Kingdom


Computer Software & Apps



Ready for

  Smaller project
  Larger project
  Ongoing relation / part-time


Typically available one month ahead

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